Monday, June 4, 2012


Today I discovered a little piece of something called moment-living. Did I make this word up? Yes. Does that make it any less significant? Not at all. It's easy for me to dwell in the past, questioning the merit of certain events that shape us into who we are. It's easy for me to focus on the future, meticulously plotting dots on a line that doesn't even exist yet. But living in the moment? The hardest of the three, namely because the more we try, the more we fail. And failure, to us, is unacceptable. This is what I have to say about that. It is our fear of failure that makes us punch the numbers of the past in some equation to perfect the future. Today I made cupcakes. They were supposed to be red velvet--they were not red. The marshmallow fluff I used oh-so-creatively as icing melted into a goopy mess. They got rejected by a six year old (what child rejects cupcakes??). But you know what I also did today? I prayed. I ran into a family friend on complete happenstance. I drove 20 minutes to take a picture of something to send to a friend. Today was great, and God is great. Dare to fail and you give Him the chance to use you in miraculous ways each and every day. Living for the moment isn't Drake's ever-popular "The Motto" (what the teens these days say YOLO). That says do outlandish things as though you might live forever and never suffer consequences or take responsibility. Moment-living is to seize the life you have been (graciously, I might add) given and make the most of it by gripping it with all the strength you dare to have.

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